- 10,000 Beast Festival
- 10 thousand-year old Blackwater
- 12 Zodiac Combat Suits
- 13th Young Master of the Shelley Family
- 18 Buddhist Profound Technique
- 31st Pope Of The Radiant Church
- 3D Formation
- 47th Aksu Emperor
- Abatai
- Aboyo Aksu
- Academy Restaurant
- Accra Mountain
- Acid Rain
- Adam
- Adam Academy
- Adam Buda
- Adam Family
- Adam Planet
- Adams
- Agic Bead
- Ah-Tai
- Ah Da
- Ah Er
- Aiken
- Aksu Empire
- Aksu Empires 3rd Prince
- Aksu Empires 4th Prince
- Aksu Empires 7th Prince
- Aksu Empires Grand Prince
- Aksu Empires Queen
- Alaes
- Alchemist
- Alea
- Alex
- Alien
- Alliance Types
- Alms Bowl Lifting Technique
- Alodia
- Amare
- Ancient Black Permafrost
- Ancient Buddhist Temple
- Angels Protection
- Ann Buda
- Anti-Collision Formation
- Anti-Magic Powder
- Ao Ke
- Ao Sar
- Aonas
- Ape Island
- Apothecaries
- Apte Planet
- Aquarius Continent
- Ares
- Argali
- Aria
- Aries Continent
- Ark Continent
- Ark Space
- Armor Sunder Formation
- Arpurt
- Arrow Turtle
- Artifact-controlling Light
- Artifact Spirit
- Artisan Divine Palace
- Artisan god
- Ascender Academy
- Ascender Reception Tower
- Ascension Magic Armors
- Ascension Point
- Ashi River
- Ashley Clan
- Ashley Family's World Bell
- Astral Qi
- Astral Wind Beasts
- Astral Wind Canyon
- Astral Wind Spider
- Astral Winds
- Atlanta Realm
- Attributed Battle Qi
- Auspicious Cloud City
- Axe
- Axe Island
- Aya
- Azure Dragon Snail
- Azure Yang Stone
- Ba Dong
- Babu Yan
- Background Space
- Baht
- Bai Yuan
- Baker
- Bali Tiger Tribe
- Ball Formation
- Bambo Rice
- Bamboo Rat
- Bamur
- Bana Symbol
- Barbarian King
- Barbarian Patriarch
- Barbarian Plane
- Barbarian Race
- Barlett
- Barn
- Barre
- Barres
- Barrick
- Bathe Pingba
- Battle Beast
- Battle Corpse
- Battle Flag
- Battle Qi
- Battle Ship
- Baturu
- Bear Race
- Beast Alliance
- Beast Artifact Collection Continent
- Beast Controlling Technique
- Beast Folk Ethnic Group
- Beast Folk Prophet
- Beast Folk Servant Clan
- Beast Folk Shaman
- Beast Folk War Clan
- Beast Folk War Flag
- Beast Folk Witch Doctor
- Beast God's Spear
- Beast God City
- Beast King
- Beast King's Letters
- Beast King Palace
- Beast Skeleton Armor
- Beast Soul Tablet
- Beast Soul User
- Beast god
- Beast god Language
- Beast god Race
- Beastfolk Prophet
- Beastfolk Tribes
- Beastman
- Beastman Prairie
- Beastman Race
- Beastman Race's Palace
- Beastman god Race
- Beheading Blood Oath
- Bell
- Belluk
- Benniu Guards
- Berry
- Besmir
- Bestial Soul Possession War Skill
- Beta
- Big Bellied Pig Tribe
- Big Cultivation World
- Bill
- Billy
- Bingya
- Bishop Gode
- Biting Soul Snake
- Bitterheart Lotus
- Black-armored Turtle
- Black Bear Tribe
- Black Bloodsteel
- Black Dragon Race
- Black Dragon Summon
- Black Iron
- Black Magician
- Black Panther Tribe
- Black Sea Pond
- Black Skeleton
- Black Tiger Group
- Black Tiger Race
- Black Waste Land Dwarven Iron Mines
- Black Wasteland
- Blackwater
- Blackwater Snake
- Blade Scale Whale
- Blanca
- Blazing Island
- Blazing Staff Technique
- Blockhead Buda
- Blood-Related Magic Beast
- Blood Bones
- Blood Butterfly
- Blood Colored Eagle Virtuous Phantasms
- Blood Drop City
- Blood Essence
- Blood Flash
- Blood Ghost Staff
- Blood Ginseng
- Blood Hawks
- Blood Lightning Bead
- Blood Lightning Javelin
- Blood Lotus
- Blood Magic
- Blood Meal
- Blood Oath
- Blood Poison
- Blood Pond
- Blood River
- Blood Sacrifice
- Blood Shadow Blade
- Blood Spirit Beasts
- Blood Swamp
- Blood Tree City
- Blood Void
- Bloodstone Fort
- Bloody War
- Blooming Flower Lake
- Blooming Flower River
- Blue Blood Gourd
- Blue Blood Gourd Vine
- Blue Eyed Rabbits
- Blue Hawk Tribe
- Blue Jack
- Blue Stone Villa
- Blue Waves Law Saint
- Bluesteel
- Bluewell
- Bodhisattva Law Idol
- Body Tempering Fist
- Bogue
- Bogut
- Bone Armor Legion
- Bone Distortion
- Bone Dragon
- Bone Forging
- Bone Mountain
- Bone Plants
- Bone Saint Anto
- Bone Skeleton Seed
- Bone Spear
- Bone Symbol Camp
- Bone Symbol Island
- Bone Tablet
- Boundary Mountain
- Bowman
- Brant
- Bread Cotton
- Bread Fruit
- Breeze
- Breeze lock
- Brick
- Bright Sword Technique
- Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World Wiki
- Broad Flat City
- Bronze Skeleton
- Bronze Wall
- Bruce Willis
- Bubble
- Buda Clan
- Buddha Boundary
- Buddha Emperor
- Buddha Empire
- Buddhist Path
- Buddhist Realm
- Buffon
- Bug Cane
- Bug Race
- Bull-Head Ethnic Race
- Bull Terrier Tribe
- Bunge Brothers/ Gibbon Brothers
- Burst Light
- Buzeer
- Cadjo / Card
- Caeser Purcell
- Cai-Er
- Cai-er
- Calci Family
- Canary Mastiff Tribe
- Cancer Continent
- Cancer god Armor
- Capricorn Continent
- Capture Function
- Carl
- Carl Purcell
- Carlo Markey
- Carlo Purcell
- Carrik
- Carrion Swamp
- Carson City
- Carvalho
- Casa City
- Casa City Demon Military Institute
- Cassie
- Castellan Mansion
- Cat Ear Village
- Cattle-Head Ethnic Race
- Cattle-Head King War Flag
- Cattle-People Tribe
- Ceinwen Markey
- Central City
- Central Continent
- Central Saint Province
- Century Old Willow Tree
- Changing Cloud
- Chaos Crystal
- Charles
- Charles GSC
- Charlie Rosen
- Chee
- Chen
- Chen Family
- Chen Yuanlong
- Chik
- Chris Calci
- Church Alliance
- Clam Shell Tribe
- Clashing
- Cleansing Marrow Pill
- Cloning Technique (Buddhist Ver.)
- Cloud Beast
- Cloud Beast Token
- Cloud Crystal
- Cloud Fruit
- Cloud Herb
- Cloud House
- Cloud Mountain
- Cloud Mouse
- Cloud Piercing Ship
- Cloud Pig
- Cloud Rice
- Cloud Rice Township Continent
- Cloud Sea Race
- Cloud Sea Territory
- Cloud Turtle
- Cloud Wine
- Cloud Yi
- Cloud Ying
- Cold Wind Fortess
- Coming Lights
- Commander Nicholas
- Companion Beast Fusion
- Compendium Of Treasured Scriptures
- Composite Magic
- Concealing Fog
- Condense
- Condensed Astral Art
- Condensing Spirit Grass
- Cone Formation
- Connecting Hevean Palace
- Connecting Thorns Battle Formation
- Conquest
- Copper Cauldron
- Corpse Virus
- Corrosive Mist
- Cosmos Technique